How To Properly Tie Your Espadrilles

You’re not going to believe this one. You are 100% tying your espadrilles the wrong way. Okay, maybe not ALL of you. But I have yet to meet anyone who knew that there was actually a proper way to tie your espadrilles.
A few years ago I fell in love with the espadrille brand ShoptheCIC. They’re stunning, perfect espadrilles. My only complaint was when I wore them my foot never felt super secure. Which I found true of most espadrilles I’ve ever owned that laced up.
While visiting Spain with some girlfriends a few years ago, we stumbled onto a store and I was elated! I tried on a dozen pairs, sadly bought none (it was that in-between season situation that’s never ideal for shopping).
But, the thing that I learned on that little shopping trip on that insanely hot afternoon, was that we’ve been tying our espadrilles ALL wrong. Let me show you how to do this the RIGHT way!
As I went to put my foot into the shoe and then tie my espadrille, the sales lady quickly said “oh no no no” and grabbed the shoe from me. I was so confused. In a foreign country, I don’t speak their language, I thought I did something wrong!
She took the shoe, turned it around to the back where the little bit of the lace is on the heel of the shoe, and pulled it OUT. Then put the shoe down and put the “loop” in front so that my foot went INTO it.
We were blown away.
WHAT did we just see? As soon as I laced up the espadrilles and walked around I realized that this method keeps your foot in place and so much more secure.
Here’s the one thing you need to know about tying your espadrilles the right way.
This little bit of string that is on the heel of your shoe is going to change your life. I’d say most espadrilles that lace-up have this on the back like so.
But here’s the thing they never told you when you were trying them on in the shoe department. Take that little bit of string and pull it out about 6 inches or so. See below.
Then, put it in front of the shoe so you can place your foot into the loop and then into the footbed of your espadrille. From there you just pull the strings on either side to secure your foot into the heel.
Wrap the strings around your ankles one to two times then finish with a bow. The difference in how secure your foot will feel in the shoe is crazy.